- The Soul Healing Journey Consulting
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Uterus reprogramming and Birth
le plus grand nombre possible de situations douloureuses de votre vie contemporaine ayant une relation directe avec votre Symptôme ou motif de consultation. Tel est l’objet de cette première étape du cycle de consultations.
Through research and emotional liberation exercises, we walk together through the corridor of buried memories in search of memories related to your discomfort.
In a reassuring atmosphere where you are allowed to let your heart speak and to express yourself freely about the suffering that each of these painful memories caused you, I accompany you to relive them.
In this new version that you recreate, you will have the opportunity to finally put words where they were missing at the time of the facts. You will have the opportunity to free yourself from the buried emotions generated by these memories such as pain, anger, fear or anxiety, but which, despite ignoring their existence, influence your life.
Finally, with a repair exercise, we close the session by internalizing this new, stronger, freer and more confident version of yourself.
During the various sessions, you’ll feel lighter, as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Réprogrammation d'utérus et Naissance
The second phase of the consultation process centers on a critical period in every human being’s life: gestation.
We’ll look back at the highlights of the period when you lived in your very first home. We will retrospectively go through each month of pregnancy, starting with your birth and going back to the very moment of your conception.
Using research exercises and emotional release, we will be able to connect to the emotions that your mother felt during her pregnancy in order to analyze how these emotions were associated with your symptom and how these emotions influence how you interact with the world today.
Project analysis and meaning
You are the result of the perfect combination of two worlds. It’s a treasure to know your origins.
We’ll come back to the events that your parents experienced during this period and that made you who you are. We’ll analyze the life project your parents wanted for you, and how this project unconsciously affects your life choices.
“It’s important to understand that we repeat the events, and especially the dramatic ones, experienced by our parents, grandparents and ancestors, often unknowingly and unwittingly.”
Anne Ancelin Schützenberger.
Family tree
During this step, we analyze your family tree by paying special attention to the people who are part of it but also to their stories, dates of birth and death, names that may have some resemblance with yours, to the salient life events, as well as the impact these events have had on your life and that of your loved ones.
“Most traumas are not linked to recent events. You have to go back a long way, to ancient tragedies that sometimes took place two centuries ago…”
Anne Ancelin Schützenberger.
Finding the origin of the symptom through ReOrixIns®
This last step will enable you to find the distortion that gave rise to your malaise: the origin of your symptom.
With the help of a healing ceremony for ancestral wounds called ReOrixIns® (by its acronym in Spanish –Return to Origin through Symptom Interpretation), I guide you through the annals of the family and collective unconscious in search of the life stories of your parents, grandparents, ancestors and the history of humanity that relate to your symptom.
This final step of the journey will allow you to «close the circle», to finally understand your mission of life and to heal the ancestral wound that you wore called «Symptom».